Orange Amplification introduces the Guitar Butler, a complete guitar rig in a pedal. Like its hugely successful sibling, The Bass Butler, this dual channel guitar pre is intuitive to use and covers a musician for as many situations as possible; gigging, playing at home, recording, touring, as a back-up, for use with a PA or DAW and much more.
Designed to give guitarists a comprehensive service to their signal chain, The Guitar Butler can be used either as a stand-alone or as part of a rig. It is perfect for musicians looking to get preamp tones from their pedalboard straight into either a power amp / speaker cabinet combination or into a PA system.
The vintage-voiced Guitar Butler has been created to make it easy to place pedals up front, it has top mid and front controls in its tone stack and the precise control offered by its sweeping E.Q adds further warmth to humbuckers and brings out the sparkle in your single coil pickups.
The JFET circuitry of the classic overdrive Dirty Channel means it behaves in a similar manner to a valve amp. Push the volume and the resulting sound has the same dynamic feel usually associated with valve rectifiers. The controls for this channel are volume x 2, treble, middle, bass and gain. The gain is like a classic amp, bright and tight, not totally clean like a Rockerverb. It just saturates and gets fatter the more it is turned up.
Like all great butlers, The Guitar Butler has an array of connections: The Buffered FX loop allows time effects like modulation, delay and reverb to be added after the preamp. There is an Amp Out without Cab Sim and a Balance Out with it, plus a Ground Lift switch to stop any earth loops. Guitar Butler manages all a guitarist’s tonal affairs.
To find out more, including full technical specifications please go to orangeamps.com/guitar-butler/