I’m becoming increasingly more annoyed by super-negatively-opinionated guitarists crapping all over the slightest innovation or progress in guitar design or every advance in playing style, cluttering up the replies under pretty much every social media post by guitar publications, brands and artists.

You understand that what gets shown on Facebook is algorithmically driven, right?

So all you’re doing if you vomit up an unhelpful, shitty opinion about a guitar you never intended to buy anyway, or a band you don’t wish to listen to, is contributing to a pile-on that tells the algorithm to skew the comments to unequally reflect a negative view, while alienating and isolating the far bigger potential audience who might actually benefit from whatever the new development is, or who might find emotional nourishment in whatever band is being discussed.

Seriously, if you don’t like something, I don’t see why we should care and why you should feel obliged to blab it to everyone.

What’s the point? Really? What do you want to achieve?

To make people you don’t even know decide not buy a guitar because YOU wouldn’t buy it?

To make people NOT discover a band they may enjoy?

Is your ego so damaged that you need to spew every negative thought you have all over every opportunity that drifts through your timeline?

Here’s an idea. If you DO like something, make it known, spread some good vibes, turn someone on to a new band that might tangibly make their day better. Talk about a piece of gear that helps you make the music you hear in your head, so that others might open their minds to it too. Use your voice for good instead of just because you have it.

Otherwise you’re not achieving anything useful for yourself, and you’re just adding to the sea of negativity that makes other peoples’ experiences more negative and less enjoyable. What a miserable to live